To be as cunning as a fox means to be very clever at getting what you want, especially by tricking someone. Foxes have a reputation for being cunning.
1. The police haven't caught the burglar yet. He's as cunning as a fox.
2. You can't fool Jack. He's as cunning as a fox.
3. Don't trust her with your savings. She's as cunning as a fox and will trick you into giving away your money.
note: To be foxed means to be deceived or tricked by superior cleverness.

1. The police haven't caught the burglar yet. He's as cunning as a fox.
2. You can't fool Jack. He's as cunning as a fox.
3. Don't trust her with your savings. She's as cunning as a fox and will trick you into giving away your money.
note: To be foxed means to be deceived or tricked by superior cleverness.

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